Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Don -- Part 1 -- Taskmaster First

Don Mahaffey has been on site for 18 months. He has been a superintendent for a long time and has a thorough knowledge of all matters golf. Work started fairly slow, but as we’ve progressed Don has taken on more and more work – he has been the construction superintendent, maintenance superintendent and project manager – all of those roles get harder as the project comes to completion – and he is steadily getting better and better.

As his work load has increased his taskmaster side has really kicked into full gear – there is just no room for loose ends with his work load. Don “worries” about all the details –- worry means practicality, logical, planned or well thought out. All of which leads to an efficient project that will benefit future ease of maintenance and most excellent playability.

He communicates most effectively with the entire team.
He doesn't mix words.
He will almost always come around to a good idea.

We get to play good cop / bad cop with our vendors -- it can be fun.
Don was nearly an Olympic Water Polo team member – he’ll say he was 3rd or 4th alternate and that is miles away from the Olympics -- I guess I could agree with him...

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