Sunday, September 16, 2007

#10 - Shorter and W i d e r

#4 was short and wide, #10 is shorter and wider, almost as wide as it is short. I’ve driven the green a couple times with a slight helping wind – dirt golf that is. The prevailing wind is in the players face. And the lake looks enormous from the tee – can you guess where the green is in the above picture. Did I mention that there are no bunkers? What I like best is how severe the green plays the further one plays away from the lake. The rumpled fairway has been looking most excellent lately.

We are grassing it very soon and I will hopefully show some shadowy photos. We have a lot more holes grassed as a result of the team and the almost perfect weather the past few weeks.

Earlier Holes Featured: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 7 - 9 - 11.

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