Friday, February 27, 2009

Talented individuals

Recently someone asked what can be done in this market to help golf.

I've been very fortunate to have relationships with two outstanding individuals.
Don Mahaffey a world class superintendent and outstanding project manager and Will Ellender an excellent PGA Professional, teacher, salesman - both have a very keen and sophisticated eye when it comes to golf architecture.  I was also fortunate to bring the two together at the recent Golf Industry Show for several beers together.

My answer to the initial question above is a paraphrasing of their views:
How does one improve the experience in this market while cutting costs?

Work with a great superintendent.
Great = can work practically and create great (fun) playing conditions.
Have him focus on the playability not the turf.

Make sure your pros love the game.
Get them away from selling shirts and managing F&B.
Let them share their love for the game with the players who visit.

Thank you fellas for your inspiration.

Don is hard to get in a picture - so above is Will and I with Emmy from California.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Bruce + Infierno

I'll never tire of taking pictures of players in Infierno.
Today's victim is a fine player as was his opponent Matt, who did win 2 up.
The 5th green is in the distance. Bruce did get a little confused thinking it was a par 5.

Bruce really enjoyed being able to choose from lots of options, especially around the greens.  He had the honor on the 12th tee. His stance was quite different from his play so far, as was his swing. I was completely blown away by his choice of shot without any coaching. He hit the ideal shot I envisioned during design - that could get to a front pin. He hit a knock down 9 iron short and we watched it bump up over the false front and wind up around 8 feet from the pin. Matt was swearing that he missed it, but Bruce and I knew better.

It was ideal and not perfect as the 9 is a tiny bit too much loft - which is why I hit a soft, low 7 iron that landed just short of his target getting a little more roll past his and It cozied up to 2 ft. Nice birdie thank you very much.

Matt was most psyched to see our work in anticipation of what I could do for him one day soon.

Here they are on 17 green.
They made so many great comments about the course it is hard to remember them all....

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Steve + Infierno

Steve got to meet Infierno first hand during his visit. He hit a great recovery to the right side of the green - the safe spot.

It is the first time I saw dormant grass at Wolf Point. It has been a very dry winter with a few frosts. I used to enjoy playing a local course when it was dormant because it was so much faster than during the summer. Not so here - Don keeps everything fast no matter the season - there wasn't a noticeable difference.

"With no doubt, the best ground game I have been on" - Steve

Thank you buddy.

Monday, February 16, 2009

The 12th Green

The above image is taken of the 12th green as seen from the middle 13th tee. Just the other day I showed the severe false front. From this angle you can see the flag just behind that front - it is a very hard shot to get close - even from 135 yards - a high wedge will not stay close enough for a birdie put.  If you look real close you can see the 11th flag behind the bunker.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A visitor and a regular

We didn't have time to pose for a picture on the course - we were running out of daylight, but there is always time to hunt down an Armadillo.  It was a great afternoon on the course and my guests had a blast:

"It is a spectacular golf course, fun to play and very memorable."

Monday, February 9, 2009

Here's to new friends

A round of golf (or 3) can help create lasting friendships. Steve and Adam hadn't met before our ride to Wolf Point. I think they will remember their time together for a long time. We had a blast.

Our rounds fit nicely between the PGA Merchandise show and the Golf Industry Show. The latter was the impetus for their coming to the Gulf Region. Adam came all the way from the UK, Steve from Massachusetts.

I hope Wolf Point was their highlight, it was for me.